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Displaying Current Topic Categories
How-To Posted by on Saturday June 28, 07:11AM, 2003
from the slashdot-wannabe dept.
One of the cooler features of Slashdot, especially for newbies to the site, is their Current Topic Categories page (http://slashdot.org/topics.shtml). I've managed to duplicate that page using plain ole DTML and some style sheets. Read on to see how.

I'm not much of a web person (give me an RTOS any day), but I managed to hack up a page that looks similar to Slashdot's Current Topics Page. (http://slashdot.org/topics.shtml)

The only flaw, as far as I can tell, is that the spacing of the icons is different, but since this is my first style sheet I'm hoping someone else can tackle that problem.

Most of the code below is simply a copy of the main page, the important parts are the style sheet:

and the part that actually displays the topics:

/ border=0 alt="">

To see this in action, check out my Squishdot page: CogNews (News for the Cognitive Sciences) http://cognews.ato.ms/topics

============== begin topics page ==============


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width=13 height=16 alt="" align=top>   color="" face="arial,helvetica">Current Topic Categories

/ border=0 alt="">

width=13 height=16 alt="" align=top>   color="" face="arial,helvetica"> href=""> color="">

width=13 height=16 alt="" align=top>   color="" face="arial,helvetica"> href="./search?title=Feature&op=articles"> color=""> width=13 height=16 alt="" align=top>   color="" face="arial,helvetica"> href="./search?title=Review&op=articles"> color=""> width=13 height=16 alt="" align=top>   color="" face="arial,helvetica"> href="./search?title=RFC&op=articles"> color=""> width=13 height=16 alt="" align=top>   color="" face="arial,helvetica"> color=""> src="Images/rtshadow_img" width=5 height=10 alt="">

================ end topics page ===============

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