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Squishdot Index/Tree View?
Posted by on Thursday April 13, 01:12AM, 2000
from the dept.
In playing around with Squishdot's many features, and knowing it's heritage (Confera), I was wondering if there's a way for Squishdot to display all* articles present on the site in a more forum/discussion tree format. I love the Slashdot interface, but it would be nice to have an easy method of keeping "older" topics alive, though they've drifted off the main page. Can anyone suggest a good means to implement this?
Other features that would be nice: giving the moderator/admin users a way to change a reply post into a front-page article - thus keeping the discussion 'front page news'. Perhaps another way to implement this would be to allow front page articles to stay based on the age of the replies contained within, instead of the article publish date.
Does anyone else think these are good ideas? Has anyone done anything like this? If not, I'd certainly be willing to try, though I'm not a Zope expert by far...
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Re: Squishdot Index/Tree View?
by on Thursday April 13, 06:55AM, 2000
Does anyone else think these are good ideas? Has anyone done anything like this? If not, I'd certainly be willing to try, though I'm not a Zope expert by far...
I think these are good ideas. The problem I see with it is that, if a number of threads stayed alive they could actually push the new articles off the front page... Heh perhaps a search to show articles with new replies -- not on the front page, but readily available -- would work.
I dunno, just a thought.
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Re: Squishdot Index/Tree View?
by on Thursday April 13, 02:43PM, 2000
I have implemented a Cessna 170 site on Zope (currently at and I have members complaining that it is difficult to go and see older threads if they have not been reading the site in a while and want to read everything. Somehow, I would like to have a "More" URL on the bottom which would display the next older threads, etc.
Any ideas? (also a newbie and just learning Python)
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Re: Squishdot Index/Tree View?
by on Thursday April 13, 04:02PM, 2000
I guess I'm really asking for an alternative to the front page that, instead of displaying most recent articles, simply displays all* articles (albiet, in a smaller, header-only format) and their sub-threads, to enable more on-going discussions, as you might have in a forum/newsgroup situation. It seems like, based on the data structures being used, this would be relatively easy for someone who knew what they were doing... Which isn't me. :/
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Re: Squishdot Index/Tree View?
by on Saturday April 15, 05:04AM, 2000
I was thinking the exact same thing as all of you and here's the discussion. Slashdot.org actually has this in a straightforward way. All of its articles are listed in order in a one line link form off of its 'Older Stuff' This shouldn't be too difficult using Zope, since something similar already exists on the 'manage' side, i.e. all of the old articles in the 'Posting' section. Can anybody figure out how to put this onto Squishdot minus all of the manage functions? Should be simple. -- Saint
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Re: Squishdot Index/Tree View?
by on Saturday April 15, 03:30PM, 2000
The Search Results screen is perfect, if it would only list all of the old articles instead of just the hits. I don't have time to hack this, otherwise I would. Anyone? -- Saint
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Re: Squishdot Index/Tree View?
by on Thursday April 20, 12:59PM, 2000
I did this by changing the URLs in the button bar at the top to do a search, instead of what they did before.
It was in the index_html DTML method, and if you want to see the URLs I used, check out
I seem to rememeber it wasn't that complicated...
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Re: Squishdot Index/Tree View?
by on Wednesday April 19, 02:28PM, 2000
I know the answer to half of your question. The Postings tab on your Squishdot management interface shows a list of all postings in a Confera-style tree format (you can check out the DTML for this -- from your Zope directory, look at lib/python/Products/Squishdot/Squishdot_manage_postings.dtml).
Stripping all the unnecessary crap out of the DTML in this method (checkboxes, management functions, etc.), you can get a simple tree view of all posts by creating a method in the root Squishdot folder that says:
The $64 question is this: is there a way to look at the date_created variable of the most recent reply in a thread, and exclude the entire thread from display if date_created is more than X days from current date? Definitely sounds like a job for a PythonMethod. I don't know Python too well yet, and even if I did, maybe it's a job best left for Mr. Squishdot himself for a future revision.
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Re: Squishdot Index/Tree View?
by on Wednesday April 19, 02:29PM, 2000
I tried this for myself : i wanted to show Squishdot's frontpage with ALL threads. It's a copy & past hack (cause i'm just beginning to learn python).
Just add this to your squishdot.py file :
def all_item_list(self) :
""" renvoie tous les articles """
return map(lambda x, p=self: x.__of__(p), self.data.map(self.all_id_list()))
def all_id_list (self) :
''' renvoie id list de tous les articles '''
rlist = self.rev_id_list()
return rlist
just after the 'def item_list'... then, you copy your index_html to all_index_html and modify it (replace every item_list with all_item_list).
It would be nice to add a 'time' ('from...' 'to...')option to the research form.
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Re: Squishdot Index/Tree View?
by on Wednesday April 26, 04:19PM, 2000
I've had similiar requests. Both for "older" and "on-going" posts.
For "on-going" posts, I'd like to see an option to have Posts bubble up to the top of the index_html each time they have a comment added. This way new content is always at the top.
Any hints on achieving this?
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Re: Squishdot Index/Tree View?
by on Thursday April 27, 03:38PM, 2000
I'm not sure that I am on to what you are wanting to do, but go here and look:
I have not gotten back to fixing this up but
if this will work let me know and I'll post what I did. It is a very easy thing to implement. It simply uses what is already in Squishdot to return all articles for a period of 120 days. I can set it to 300 days or what ever.
I have done nothing else to the page but get the ALL Articles to work.
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