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FAQ: Making a Squishdot site the root URL
Posted by on Thursday August 31, 08:58AM, 2000
from the squishdot-for-dummies dept.
If you've seen Gnotices, you've probably noticed the ugly refresh hack that redirects http://news.gnome.org/ to http://news.gnome.org/gnome-news/. What's the best way of avoiding this?

I've read various brief answers to this question and I've tried various things, all with unsatisfactory results. Could someone explain this in a step-by-step manner or give me a few pointers which can jumpstart me? Thanks!

The most promising answer that I found so far was this one. I made an index_html with similar code in my root directory but I can't seem to get it to work, probably because of my lack of in depth knowledge of Zope.

The solution that did actually work somewhat was ugly and involved moving files to the top level directory...

<  |  >


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Re: FAQ: Making a Squishdot site the root URL
by on Thursday August 31, 12:14PM, 2000
it is a simple client redirect. to avoid this:

  • if your zope is behind apache, use apache as a proxy and install SiteAccess in zope.
  • use a serverside redirect.
  • if your client connects direct to zope, i dont see why you need a redirect. simply re-arrange your zopesite.

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  • Re: FAQ: Making a Squishdot site the root URL by on Thursday August 31, 04:49PM, 2000
    • Re: FAQ: Making a Squishdot site the root URL by on Friday September 01, 05:52AM, 2000
How I did it.
by on Thursday August 31, 06:07PM, 2000
For those of you still scratching your heads on this issue, this is how I did it. It's easy once you know how:

(1) The trick is to install SiteAccess, a package that extends Zope and adds the necessary functionality, available from here.

(2) Then read the instructions and you're off or read this article for an easy example.

(3) Optional: Edit index_html in your Squishdot site and remove the URL1 part. If you don't do that, the "Read More..." links seem to include the Squishdot directory in the URL. I think you can avoid that by creating a SiteRoot and defining SiteRoot{Base,Path} but I haven't looked into that .

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SiteAccess Issues
by on Thursday August 31, 10:51PM, 2000
I know this may be peripherally offtopic, but I thought I'd give it a throw anyway.

I've got squishdot up and working beautifully. I
started to follow the directions here for using
SiteAccess to redirect to the main url.

As soon as I untar the SiteAccess package into
/usr/local/apache/zope/lib/python/Products/SiteAccess, and restart Zope, I get the following message:

Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource.

Error Type: TypeError
Error Value: unexpected keyword argument: validated_hook
. . .
Traceback (innermost last):
File /usr/local/apache/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 222, in publish_module
File /usr/local/apache/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 187, in publish
File /usr/local/apache/zope/lib/python/Zope/__init__.py, line 221, in zpublisher_exception_hook
(Object: ApplicationDefaultPermissions)
File /usr/local/apache/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 162, in publish
TypeError: (see above)


This happens on any zope url, including the default index page. I have not yet even gotten into Zope to add the Product.

I played around with the permissions a bit (It was installed as a nonexistant user on the system) and that didn't help.

Running Sparc/Solaris 2.6, Zope 2.2.1 for solaris 2.6, have tried 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 versions of SiteAccess
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  • Re: SiteAccess Issues by on Thursday August 31, 11:35PM, 2000
Re: FAQ: Making a Squishdot site the root URL
by on Saturday September 02, 09:02PM, 2000
I use zope behind apache with the pcgi module , we have several virtual domains hosted in the apache server , we are using rewrite rules to make the squishdot site of the every domain to be the root of the every virtual host.
The virtual host have all the same names except the domain one, i mean, : foro.domain.com where domain is the domain name , squishdot sites are hosted in the Zope server in the root directory in a folder call domain.
We rewrite the url to the zope cgi in this way:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^foro\.[^.]+\.com$
RewriteRule ^(.+) %{HTTP_HOST}$1 [C]
RewriteRule ^foro\.([^.]+)\.com(.*) /cgi-bin/Zope/$1$2 [t=application/x-httpd-cgi,l]

foro.domain.com maps to /cgi-bin/Zope/domain, and the browser sees only foro.domain.org , the virtual host has a ServerName foro.domain1.org , and has a Severalias foro* , so every virtual domain mapping in the dns server having a subdomain call foro will fall in this virtual host and after the rewriting in the folder of the zope server where it squishdot site lives, and after the rewriting foro.domain.com will be the root directory that the browser sees :)), buffff, what a nasty explanation, if anybody wants to do something similar i will be very pleased to help them.

we do the adminstration of the site using another virtual server that runs over a ssl server, so we only pass the cgi autentification to the zope server from this https virtual host, we do it with the rules of de ApacheRewriting howto of zope.org:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)
RewriteRule ^/cgi-bin/Zope(.*) /usr/local/zope/Zope.cgi/$1

last two lines are only one !!!

We didnŽt heard about Site Access and in some cases we need zope to run over a ssl connection..

Hope it will help you , cheers ;)
[ Reply to this ]
  • Re: FAQ: Making a Squishdot site the root URL by on Monday September 04, 02:04PM, 2000
  • tangental siteaccess stuff by on Tuesday September 05, 08:58PM, 2000
  • tangental siteaccess stuff by on Tuesday September 05, 08:58PM, 2000
request path append
by on Thursday September 07, 11:24PM, 2000
at one point i stuck the following in a dtml method in my zope root:

which turned out to work but be a Bad Thing because i cant access the main manage console for zope anymore

i see now i should have put:

but i dont know how to undo what i did now that i cant get to the /manage tools

any ideas?
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  • Re: request path append by on Thursday September 14, 11:38AM, 2000

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