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Howto get an article's title from its url
Posted by on Thursday June 14, 05:39AM, 2001
from the dept.
Is there a way to get an article's title from its url?
I'm storing article titles in a table, then when I iterate over them, I would like to create a link to them, but the link text should be the title not the url (which is availble inside dtml-in). Kinda like what the "older posts" feature does in squishdot, except that its getting its values from a method whose source I can't seem to find
I would like to do something like:
title of article pointed to by url here
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Re: Howto get an article's title from its url
by on Friday June 22, 10:03PM, 2001
never mind! I figured it out (with lots of help from the list etc of course). See my rant (Meet Don Zuixote) at zopezen.com
Basically, you have to use restrictedTraverse on the URL string to get to the object id, push its context using the dtml-with and use its title!
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by on Friday August 17, 05:40PM, 2001
I'm pretty sure I replied to that explaining that you don't have to go through all that malarky ;-)
Chris |
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